Göta Court of Appeal

Göta Court of Appeal

Energy Consumption Reduction
CO2 reductions
Capital Expenditure
Savings on operating expenses
Payback period

The new Göta Court of Appeal in Jönköping, Sweden is a high-performance energy machine where heating and cooling is efficiently generated, stored, and reused through a geothermal integrated system. The 10.000 sqm property, owned by Castellum, even generates surplus heat, which is used to sustainably heat a neighboring office building.

An ATES (Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage) system efficiently stores heat and cold in the groundwater under the property. Two heat pumps, connected via 4 x 170m wells in the ground, transfer energy between the ground and the building as needed.

Energy Machines' flexible control system, EM Control, optimizes energy use while ensuring no wastage. For example, rather than releasing excess heat (e.g., from each floor’s IT room) into the outside air, the system either stores it in the ATES reservoir or utilizes it to heat the building during the winter.

Commissioned in 2023, the ATES system fulfills a significant portion of cooling demand for both the Göta Court and the neighboring office building, with heat pumps used only for peak-load cooling. This ground-source cooling solution also maximizes roof utility for solar panels compared to traditional cooling tower fans.

The court property is on track to achieve Miljöbyggnad Guld (Environmental Building Gold) — the highest and strictest level of environmental certification in Sweden, which is awarded after the building’s second year in operation.

Energy Machines is proud to once again partner with Castellum and contribute to their ambitious sustainability goals in the real estate sector.

Read more about the court's new premises at energi-miljo.se (Swedish)

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